An Updated Design of Windows 10 with Project Neon

Windows 10 update, Project NEON

The new Windows 10 update, Project Neon, is being released soon. While not a drastic overhaul to the Windows 10 operating system, it will be a needed improvement that Microsoft needs and it may serve as a turning point in mixed reality.


Image by Tom Hounsell shared on Twitter

Smooth and Improved Animation

Remember the dynamic and aesthetically pleasing Aero Glass of Windows 7? Good news, If you miss the feature, Microsoft is essentially re-introducing it in the new Windows 10 update, Project NEON, to their current operating system, coming soon. It is not a complete redo of Windows 10’s language; it actually builds on the current Windows 10 UI (user-interface) in use today, but it will be able to be run on not only current mainstream devices like tablets and PCs, but in addition, new types of devices not yet available to the mainstream public, most likely using mixed reality.

Increased Animations

Microsoft is bringing more fluidity and animation into this update, code-named Project NEON. From various screenshots of Windows 10 Project NEON posted around the web, it seems like there is going to be a lot of focus on increased animations, seamless transitions, and more effects.

Fluidity and Consistency

Words like fluidity and simplicity are being used to describe the new design elements of the new Windows update, Project NEON. Current elements like the borders around windows and title bars may have been dropped in the new update. Screen grabs show that the maximize, minimize, close and restore buttons have also been incorporated into each window, making each window more clear, with fewer frills, which translates to a contemporary, clean appearance.

Simplicity is Back

There are design video concepts floating around of the new Windows update, Project NEON which highlights the new animations in the user interface, and they are very fluid and smooth; very pleasing to see. Hopefully, these concepts will make it into the final version when it’s released later this year.

New Project NEON “Acrylic” features added to Windows 10 Design

“Acrylic” is the name of the blurred features you will see in the new Windows update, Project NEON. The blurred background is called “Background Acrylic” and the blurred sidebar is called Side-Nav Acrylic and the “In-App Acrylic” is the blur within the app itself.

Microsoft has made the acrylics work very well with their Conscious UI and Connected Animations. You can see this demonstrated in the Groove Music app where Side-Nav acrylic will alter and change depending on what is shown in the background. The photo of the artist now has some movement when the window is moved as well. The Groove Music app has been updated with some of these UI elements and connected animations in the latest Windows 10 Insider Preview builds so if you are using this build you may notice these improvements already.

Possible New Taskbar Design Tweaks

From some of the screenshots found on the web, the taskbar may be undergoing a design overhaul, but it remains to be seen if this is going to end up in the Project NEON version coming out this spring. Users currently only have the option of a black taskbar but rumor has it that options will be available to change the taskbar colors, at least to a white version.

3D and HoloLens

3D and HoloLens are brought to the forefront in the new Windows update, Project NEON, which will be really interesting to see. The HoloLens headset, per the Microsoft website, “is the first self-contained holographic computer that enables users to engage with digital contact and interact in the world around you.” Project NEON’s new updates will interface with the HoloLens.

Project NEON updates allow 3D and HoloLens to interact naturally. Using a PC will allow the background color to follow the mouse pointer and using a HoloLens the color will follow your gaze and/or the HoloLens’s clicker.

Mixed Reality

Mixed reality as defined by Microsoft: “Mixed reality encompasses a wide range of experiences that previously were considered to be only augmented reality (AR) or only virtual reality (VR). In mixed reality, people, places, and objects from your physical and virtual worlds merge together in a blended environment that becomes your canvas.”

Windows 10 Key Features

In brief, Windows 10, released in the fall of 2015, brought a touchscreen-optimized interface, virtual desktop system and a biometric login to the Windows user experience. Microsoft’s long-running dream has been to have one operating system used across all of their machines and the new Windows 10 update, Project NEON, will bring them closer to achieving their goal. This would include gaming devices, virtual reality headsets, personal computers, tablets, phones and more.

Will Project NEON bring wider user adoption?

It is yet to be seen whether the new Windows update, Project NEON’s design interface changes will be warmly received or will be criticized by users but hopefully, it will offer the changes that Windows 10 needs to become more widely adopted among users. While adoption has been slow, it has increased since the holiday season because of new or replacement computer purchases.

Should You Upgrade?

New feature usability, updated security settings and are always good reasons to upgrade. Windows 10 support will last through 2025, according to Microsoft at this time. If you are planning on using some of the mixed reality devices coming out, the upgrade will most likely be needed in order to have a full user experience and be able to utilize all of the new features. Once the new Windows 10 update, Project NEON is released, it could potentially usher in a new era of mixed reality adoption for the mainstream user, both for the business enterprises and for consumers. Microsoft Windows is the most popular operating system in the world today and will most likely continue to be the first choice.

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