Like all great things that come to an end, there is always something better to be found!
July 14, 2015 officially marks the end of Windows Sever 2003 Support. So, what will this mean for its current users? Unless you have a migration plan in place to protect yourself, your applications and business will be at risk. Here is what you will be missing:
1. You Will No Longer Receive Updates 
While there have been critical updates released in recent years as technology advances, those are the last that you will receive with Windows Server 2003. To ensure that you are not left completely vulnerable, migration is key.
2. Zero Compliance
You will be left without compliance for numerous standards and regulations. That can get messy. Migration from Windows Sever 2003 will save you from the potential disasters and headaches that result from a lack of compliance.
3. No Security Blanket
Sure, we all love taking a risk and being independent, but not when it comes to IT. All Windows 2003 Servers and applications will no longer be supported by Microsoft. But don’t worry, Detroit IT has your back!
4. Savings
Without support, you will be dishing out maintenance, security and network cost, all that can be avoided by a migration.
However, think of all of the benefits! A post Windows 2003 Server will be:
- Simple to manage.
- More secure.
- More user-friendly.
- Able to provide you with the latest applications and features.
At Detroit IT, we have specialized in migration services for over 17 years, resulting in the migration of thousands of users. Our Certified Technicians have the experience and knowledge to plan and execute your migration smoothly. If you are interested in learning more about upgrading your current server, contact us today! 248.530.1001.
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